Thursday, January 17, 2008

Project Baby Review

I have decided that we haven't done enough reviewing the various baby stuff we have bought and used over the first year of Anna's life. So, as we start to pull out and reuse things with our next little girl, I want to try to write a detailed review of those items. I will tag them in my blog under Project Baby Review. :-)

For now, here are some reviews Heather has written over time:

Health and Safety
Bath time including Fisher Price Aquarium Tub and Huggies disposable wash cloths
Diapers including Pampers Swaddlers and Pampers Baby-Dry
Bumbo Seat
Aquarium Color Change Shade
Swimming Float

Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller and Infant Car Seat
Baby Bjorn
Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller
Floppy Seat
Evenflo Titan 5

Crib including Safety Lift Wedge

Food and breastfeeding
Lily Padz
Hooter Hider or Bebe au Lait
Enfamil Lipil Forumla
Avent Bottle Trainer Sippy Cup

Playskool Busy Basics Busy Ball Popper
Graco Baby Einstein Discover and Play Entertainer Exersaucer
Fisher Price Rain Forest Jumperoo
Playskool's Discovery Dome

Ok, so maybe Heather did a better job than I thought. :-) Here are the things we absolutely have loved from the above list...several other things we have liked, but are not so excited about it such that we would tell a friend they had to get one :-)

  • Fisher Price Aquarium Tub

  • Floppy Seat

  • Lily Padz

  • Hooter Hider

  • Graco Baby Einstein Discover and Play Entertainer

  • Playskool's Discovery Dome

  • Safety Lift Wedge

And here is what we haven't liked and why:
  • Aquarium Color Change Shade - It didn't work. We replaced it with a simple Eddie Power pull down suction cup shade

  • Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller - It is not good for walking as it doesn't turn very well...others have front wheels that turn or lock. With the new baby, we are replacing it with a BOB Revolution

  • Evenflo Titan 5 - This may be the most difficult to adjust 5 point harness on the market. We quickly replaced it with a Britax Roundabout we like much better

I will try to make some further reviews with our second baby insight as we start pulling that stuff out.

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