Our church, Crossroads Fellowship, sent out an email with a slightly new short term focus which mirrors many of my thoughts and how God is leading me. That is, to help people identify the problems they have with managing their finances and put together a plan to get out of debt and on to a journey of complete financial freedom. Here is what the church sent out today:
If you were unable to worship with us this past Sunday, you can read about our journey with God and how He's leading us in 2008 at www.crossroads.org/pdf/Imagine_Journey_2008.pdf. You can follow along as I walk you through this vision document at www.crossroads.org/audio/Chuck_Imagine_2008.wmv.
If you need help getting out of debt and managing your debt flow our Financial Freedom Ministry provides classes, workshops, resources and budget coaching to help people realize financial freedom. You can discover ways to get out of debt, establish a budget and learn about God's view of money. Take the Crossroads Financial Freedom Personal Assessment at www.crossroads.org/pdf/FF_Personal_Assessment.pdf.
On Saturday, May 17, we are offering a special workshop from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm to help you gain insights that will put you on the path towards financial freedom. Topics include Super Savings, Relating with Money, Dumping Debt and Cash Flow. There will be times when you can meet privately with a budget coach as well as prepare your own action plan for getting out of debt and handling finances God's way. Register online. Cost is $25 per couple and lunch and child care will be provided.
Here are some amazing facts from the charts:
• 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
• 95% of married couples fight over money and it is the leading cause of divorce.
• Americans spent $1.22 for every $1 they earned in 2007.
• 1 in 6 families may have their homes foreclosed on in 2008.
• 62% of Americans will retire with less than $10,000 income per year.
• Average 28 year old has $66,000 in consumer debt (cars, credit cards and student loans).
• 1 in 7 families is dealing with a debt collector.
• Children today are just as likely to see their parent’s file for bankruptcy as they are for divorce.
• The average household has at LEAST $9,000 in credit card debt.
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