One of the other things suggests is to opt out of pre-approved credit cards. To do that, you can go to This means that no one will be able to pre-approve you for a card by looking at your credit report before you ask them to, known as prescreening. It won't stop the offers, just stop the pre-approved ones. They give you two options, first to opt out electronically for only 5 years or to mail in a signed piece of paper for permanent opting out. Obviously, they want you to not stay opted out which is why they require the paper to be mailed. But, fill out the permanent one and it will give you the 5 year electronic one while you file the permanent paper one.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Opt out of pre-approved credit cards
Posted by Erik Burckart at 7:54 AM
Labels: credit, Finances, identity theft
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